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5 Reasons to Start Wet on Wet Oil Painting

I have been doing wet on wet oil painting for several years now and I've known about for about 15 years. Although I enjoy it a lot and try to take part in it whenever I can, I'm usually stunned at the number of people that aren't even aware of it.
So let me tell you how it all started, just in case you haven't heard of wet on wet oil painting before.
Back in the 70's a wonderful artist by the name of William "Bill" Alexander developed a quick and easy method of oil painting known today as wet on wet. He originally developed the method in order to speed up his own progress so he could sell more paintings. Bill realized that in order to make a living as a full time artist, he could not rely solely on traditional methods of oil painting because of the lengthy drying time required when layering paint. He needed a method that would allow him to complete paintings quickly, in a single session instead of the days or weeks that were required for traditional methods.
So out of necessity, a wonderful new painting method was born. Over time Bill refined his methods and his tools. Instead of the usual soupy oil paints, he developed firm paints that were rich with color. Instead of using a set of small brushes to paint everything, he learned to paint with large brushes that resembled house painting brushes. Possibly one of his most valuable tools was his painting knife. Originally he made his painting knife from putty knives. He would grind down putty knives for his own use and allow his students to bring him putty knives which he would grind down for their use for a very small fee. With this powerful tool, Bill would paint unbelievably beautiful mountains, rocks, trees and many other landscape features.
From what I've told you so far, you can see that the wet on wet painting method requires a particular set of tools in order for you to be successful. Traditional paints and brushes simply won't work. Fear not. These special tools are available.
If you are wondering why you should get involved in wet on wet oil painting, let me give you the top 5 reasons right now:
1. Wet on wet oil painting allows you to complete a painting in a single sitting. It's not uncommon for artist using this method to complete oil paintings in a few hours or less.
2. Wet on wet oil painting is simple, meaning that it's easy to learn. You can start producing great looking oil paintings with minimal practice.
3. Since it's easy for you to learn, it's also an easy method of oil painting to teach to others. Every year people are becoming certified in Bill's method, allowing them to teach others how to oil paint.
4. Wet on wet oil painting requires no previously acquired painting skills. Even if you have never painted before, you can learn wet on wet oil painting. It also requires no artistic ability. It is a method of oil painting that is truly accessible to everyone.
5. This is perhaps the best reason to get involved in wet on wet oil painting. Please read this very carefully. Over the years, wet on wet oil painting has declined somewhat in popularity along with many other forms of art. There are people out there right now that have no clue what wet on wet oil painting is. They have no idea who Bill Alexander is. Perhaps you are one of them since you are reading this article. Seems like a negative thing to say, right? WRONG. This little fact puts us wet on wet painters and instructors in a very unique position. Because so many people of today are unfamiliar with wet on wet oil painting, you can be the first to introduce this method to them! Many wet on wet artist are in the same position that Bill Alexander was in back in the 1970's. Standing before the masses with a wonderful and valuable secret.
Remember, wet on wet oil painting is for everyone. But not everyone knows about it. In fact, very few people of today are even aware of it.
Did you find this article helpful? Learn more about wet on wet oil painting and Alexander Certified Instructor Chad Marshall at his website. http://www.wichitaoilpainting.com

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