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Understanding What A Spiritual Awakening Is

By Catalina Nielsen

Defining a spiritual awakening is not a cut and dry situation. Every day people from all around the world and from all walks of life encounter moments in their life where their faith is tested or where they acquire faith for the first time. When this happens most people express that they have had an experience that has changed or challenged them in some way.

The first thing that must be understood is that all people are different. No matter how you look at it or cut it, each and every person in the world is different in numerous ways. This is specifically true when it comes to the manner in which a person believes. Even if you were to put 500 people in a room, chances are that no two of them would believe the same in all areas of their life.

Many people grow frustrated when they share their stories and ideas when it comes to their personal spiritual experiences. This is mainly due to the fact that because of the differences in all people no one can truly understand what it is you have personally endured. They may have a general idea or understanding but they will never feel the same as you or have the same unique experience that you had. This is one of the main reasons that many people argue about spirituality.

The majority of people in the world have been exposed to some type of religion or belief system. Most of the time this comes from their personal upbringing. The problem is that most people form beliefs out of habit as opposed to experiences. They claim to be a specific religion because that is the religion of their family. Rather than having an awakening they just fall into the head thinking aspect of spirituality.

When an awakening takes places all those things a person has heard throughout their life may begin to make better sense. They will now not see words but will now understand and believe these words. Their entire aspect and sense of being may completely change.

The downside to religion, faith, and spirituality is that there are so many people out there that tend to force their beliefs on others or that attempt to make people experience what they have experienced. These over eager individuals are attempting to do good but instead begin to turn people off to the idea of becoming spiritual. This is specifically true when people claim to have had an awakening but instead use it as an excuse to force their ideas and opinions on others while judging them for not being the same as them.

There is no denying the fact that people all around the world claim to have "awakenings". Even if you don't personally believe in such things there is no harm in allowing others to do so as long as they not hurting others or themselves.

Rather than judge those that claim to have had such a spiritual awakening, one should simply be pleased when these events have happened and have had a positive result. Though all people judge, there may come a time when one needs to simply accept what they can't understand.

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