Whenever you have people call on you when you are at home, your door is going to be one of the initial things that they will notice. Therefore this is the point at which you can make an initial impression. Its their chance for them to begin to understand you. All of this can be helped by making use of custom door knockers. Perhaps you have named your house, this is a perfect chance to incorporate this into a design.
Some people will remember those grand old European houses which were shown in films and period dramas. They often had overly large entrances, but they did seem to aptly suit the ornate door furniture. Now it is your turn to benefit from the same.
There are a wide range of styles and finishes, there are wrought iron, cast iron and the ever popular brass. As you can imagine there are a lot of existing designs available, but there is nothing to prevent you designing your own. This can be done in conjunction with a designer used by the company you decide to do business with.
It you opt to have your unique design made in brass, then most likely it will be created by using a process known as sand casting. If it is done properly then the multistage process can create some amazing results. It should be pointed out if the process needs to be followed exactly, otherwise the piece might have to be scrapped.
A mixture of clay, sand and water is packed into a wooden box known as a flask. The design to be made is created in this green sand mixture in both sides of the flask. The two halves are joined together and pouring holes are made, which will permit the molten brass to totally fill the mould. The flask is designed to be separated to allow the completed design to be removed once cool.
Considering that the metal will melt at temperatures of greater than nine hundred degrees Centigrade, it is easy to understand why care must be taken. The flask is left in position until the molten metal cools. Once it gets back to a solid state, the flask can be removed. The surface of the casting will appear rough at this point as more work is still needed. This can involve cutting, filing, sanding, buffing and polishing.
Normally to create an individual set two castings have to be made, one for the clapper and the other for the body. If your design uses a striker plate then a third casting is necessary. The final part of the process involves the application of a hard wearing clear lacquer. This is to stop early tarnishing of your new design, and will keep it looking good for a long time to come.
One thing that people often fail to think about with custom door knockers is how they will be attached. If they are going onto a wooden surface then they can be made to be mounted from the front. This means that when you look from inside your home you will not see the bolt heads. For other surfaces rear mounting often cannot be avoided, but they can be partially hidden by using brass rosettes.
Some people will remember those grand old European houses which were shown in films and period dramas. They often had overly large entrances, but they did seem to aptly suit the ornate door furniture. Now it is your turn to benefit from the same.
There are a wide range of styles and finishes, there are wrought iron, cast iron and the ever popular brass. As you can imagine there are a lot of existing designs available, but there is nothing to prevent you designing your own. This can be done in conjunction with a designer used by the company you decide to do business with.
It you opt to have your unique design made in brass, then most likely it will be created by using a process known as sand casting. If it is done properly then the multistage process can create some amazing results. It should be pointed out if the process needs to be followed exactly, otherwise the piece might have to be scrapped.
A mixture of clay, sand and water is packed into a wooden box known as a flask. The design to be made is created in this green sand mixture in both sides of the flask. The two halves are joined together and pouring holes are made, which will permit the molten brass to totally fill the mould. The flask is designed to be separated to allow the completed design to be removed once cool.
Considering that the metal will melt at temperatures of greater than nine hundred degrees Centigrade, it is easy to understand why care must be taken. The flask is left in position until the molten metal cools. Once it gets back to a solid state, the flask can be removed. The surface of the casting will appear rough at this point as more work is still needed. This can involve cutting, filing, sanding, buffing and polishing.
Normally to create an individual set two castings have to be made, one for the clapper and the other for the body. If your design uses a striker plate then a third casting is necessary. The final part of the process involves the application of a hard wearing clear lacquer. This is to stop early tarnishing of your new design, and will keep it looking good for a long time to come.
One thing that people often fail to think about with custom door knockers is how they will be attached. If they are going onto a wooden surface then they can be made to be mounted from the front. This means that when you look from inside your home you will not see the bolt heads. For other surfaces rear mounting often cannot be avoided, but they can be partially hidden by using brass rosettes.
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