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Cinemagraphs & Why The Top Web Design Companies Use Them

By Arthur Williams

There have been a number of developments that website design companies observed in recent years. One of the most visually striking are simply known as cinemagraphs, which are essentially still images with moving elements. If you've been on any website as of late, you have probably seen a cinemagraph without even knowing it. For those that would like to know why these have been focused on so much, here is some information related to them.

If you want to know what cinemagraphs are, they're essentially still pictures with bits of animation thrown in for good measure. However, the animation in question makes sense in context with the images they're associated with. For example, a picture of a rainforest might have rainfall that's in motion, rendering the aforementioned picture more striking in the visual sense. This is just the start of the information that can be obtained about cinemagraphs.

Despite how striking cinemagraphs might be, it's important to note that not all brands will be able to benefit from them the same. Some companies simply aren't built for them as others are. Let's say that you're the owner of a fashion or beauty brand. Perhaps you can use cinemagraphs in order to highlight your products, making them more appealing to the general public. This is just one example of how these images can help both small and large brands alike.

The top web design companies in the world should make it a goal to leave lasting impressions. It makes sense to do this, seeing as how people will be more likely to return and conduct business in this scenario. If you want to leave an impression, it would make sense to incorporate a cinemagraph or two, seeing as how other websites haven't focused on this as much. It's largely untouched terrain that deserves more attention.

With the popularity of GIFs online, it's no surprise that more web designers would want to focus on moving images. Cinemagraphs are nothing short of unique from a visual standpoint, but many people tend to overlook just how beneficial they are. Not only will they showcase products and brands in positive ways, but they'll leave impressions that won't fade anytime soon. Start building your own cinemagraphs so that you can eventually push your website to the next level.

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