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Brockport NY Professional Cleaning Company Offers Water Extraction Services

By Mary Badder

Are you prepared for a major disaster like flooding? It can happen anywhere and anytime and when it does your time to react is very limited. Unless you take action fast, your damages could be far worse and here are some important tips on what to do, from your Rochester NY carpet cleaning services.

If a great deal of water has entered your home, you should make sure the electricity and water have been shut off. This is not the time to search all over looking for shut off valves or breaker boxes. Make sure everyone in the household knows where these things are and how to turn them off.

It's best to document the damage so you won't have any problems with your home insurance company. Get out your camera or use your smart phone camera and take pictures of all areas with water damage. If you can take video, this may be more effective than still images, and be careful where you walk.

Before you go into the home, wear as much protective clothing as possible. Water in flooded homes may contain many different types of bacteria and toxins, so be sure to wear some kind of waterproof boots. Also, use rubber gloves before handling wet items, and don't let children play in the water.

Contact your insurance agent as soon as you can. Hopefully you have flood insurance and if not, you could be dealing with some major losses. Your insurance professional can tell you what kind of things are covered and will get in contact with an insurance adjuster, who will contact you soon.

Contact your water restoration professionals and do not wait long. Every minute you hesitate, dangerous mold could be starting to grow. In warm weather mildew and mold grow very quickly and mold remediation can be time consuming and expensive. Your water extraction team will remove a great deal of moisture and use special equipment to dry the home.

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