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Tips For Finding Used Theater Chairs

By Rosella Campbell

When it comes to producing plays, often there is a limited budget. That is why the opportunity to purchase or acquire used theater chairs is greatly appreciated by small and large companies alike. To follow are some tips and suggestions to help you to find this practical item. Whatever the size of your budget and the amount of time you have to devote to shopping, there are many versatile choices available.

Certainly, to find the best deals, it may take some effort. However, this is well worth the time if it means you can save big to help make your production more profitable. To follow are some suggestions, starting with the more popular methods.

A great place to find a bargain on used furniture is a thrift or charity shop. Many people want to clear space in their homes so are all too happy to part with unwanted furniture, even if it has some value. You can find many lightly used items at great prices. Another potential place to find bargains is a garage or yard sale.

Theater departments at colleges or universities also opportunities to find furniture at reduced prices. If a department is upgrading or changing venues, it may be a good opportunity to acquire a bargain. It is worth checking with your local collegiate production companies to find out if any sales are planned.

As well, many junior high, elementary and high school theater groups have chairs which they may be happy to sell. Some schools organize fundraisers in which old inventory is sold at discounted prices. This type of event may be advertised in your local newspaper, so keep an eye open for upcoming events.

Another great place to find this item is at an antiques or vintage store. Many carry an eclectic range of merchandise. You might even find other fun props to add to your production in the process.

Other options for finding a range of used chairs includes house and furniture auctions. The advantage of this type of event is that you can often peruse what will be on sale beforehand by visiting the auction house on a specified day. You can often find listings for nearby auctions in a local newspaper. The ad may include a list of inventory which will be for sale, allowing you to find out if it fits your needs in advance of the event.

Last of all, the opportunity to ask around among your circle of friends and family may prove fruitful. In fact, you may discover some great furniture which is taking up space in someone's house or attic. Some production companies barter by trading tickets in return for furniture and props. Thankfully, there are a variety of flexible and low cost methods for expanding theater inventory. For more practical pointers on this topic, you can find a number of well known blogs and websites which are dedicated to producing plays on a budget. As well, there are several magazines and newspapers which are aimed at providing useful advice to production companies.

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