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Interior Design Choices To Avoid

By Diana Grayson

There is no question that a home's interior design should be a matter of taste. No two people would make exactly the same choices of decorum in their home. But most people would like to have a design scheme that reflects their personality, but is still neutral enough to appeal to broad range of tastes. There is also a limit to what can be put in a home before it becomes tacky. Some design choices are simply bad ideas. This article will provide a brief overview of some dos and don'ts of interior design.

Don't: Choose Distracting Wall Paint - In past decades, especially the 90s, homes often had very boldly-colored walls. Dark reds or blues can draw a lot of attention to a wall, often more than they deserve. In addition, many homes featured paint schemes that changed between rooms. Fortunately, these distracting, jarring tendencies has given way to more subtle schemes in modern homes.

Do: Find a Subtle Color Scheme - A more subdued palette is often much easier swallow. Soft, earthy colors have the benefit of being easy on the eyes. The walls should serve as a backdrop for the main elements of the design scheme. The more subtle tones, such as light beige or gray, are able to do just that. They will not draw more attention than they deserve. It is also a good idea to keep the paint scheme consistent across the home.

Don't: Think Everything has to Match Exactly - While maintaining a consistent tone and theme is a good idea, not everything has to be exactly the same color or style. That can make a room blend together too much, becoming a blob of wood, or white, or what have you. Lack of variety in a design scheme can be just as bad as one that is too inconsistent.

Do: Use Contrast to Good Effect - Variety and consistency are two things that you have to strike a balance with. It is easy to overdo the number of styles and colors, but also, you should be willing to mix it up a little. Have a wooden bed frame? A white nightstand next to it can actually work pretty well. You can add color accents with secondary elements, such as cushions that are brighter than the rest of the couch. Just because two things are different does not necessarily mean that they are incompatible. If you find that it works, try mixing and matching furniture from different sets.

Don't: Carpet Your Bathrooms - This one should be fairly obvious. If an area is going to see a lot of moisture, you should use a flooring type that is non-absorbent and easy to clean. A carpet in a bathroom is at constant risk of spills and leaks, and if there is a shower in there, traffic from wet feet. All that moisture building up will quickly lead to problems with mildew and rot.

Do: Install Water-Resistant Bathroom Floors - There is a reason that most modern bathrooms are covered in some type of tile. Most types are naturally resistant to water, long-lasting, and simple to maintain. Each type has its advantages and drawbacks, but all of them are a better choice for a bathroom than carpet.

Don't: Make Tacky Design Decisions - A home should reflect the personality of the owner, and there is no "right" way to design a home. But certain trends are simply tacky. Always have been, always will be. Others had their heyday long ago and just do not work in the modern day. If something flat out does not work, you will know. If you have to question it, it is probably the wrong choice.

Do: Make It Your Own - While you do not want to overdo it, a design scheme that does not reflect the owner's personality will appear plain and soulless. Try to figure out the balance of items, not deviating too far from the tone of each room. If you have tacky items that you cannot part with for whatever reason, you might at least keep them out of the home's most used areas. They better serve as decorations in your personal areas, such as your home office or den. That mounted trophy buck works better there than in the dining room.

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