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Transform Your Floors And Carpets With A Contemporary Area Rug

By Krystal Branch

The floor surfaces or carpets in your home can be complemented in design, look, and appearance by adding a contemporary area rug in selected places. You may use these rugs around the tables, close to the door, next to your bedroom door, or around the coffee table. These rugs offer many functions including protection of carpets, cushioning of the feet, protecting children when they play, and in increasing warmth.

Using such rugs not only protects your valuables but also your wall to wall carpet. They will prevent spills and other form of dirt from landing straight to your carpets. They will also protect the carpets from other unforeseen incidents, which could stain them or damage the tufts. It is cost effective or cheaper to replace a rug than replacing a whole carpet in the event of a stubborn stain that does not clean out.

These rugs are quite versatile in that you easily switch out the designs than you would do with the wall to wall carpets. You could switch you rugs designs in order to update your decor in line with the season. It will not cost you much as it could have if you were to change your carpets.

Areas covered with rugs feel safer for the children or even adults. There are those times you would want to play around on the floor with your kid. The rugs can offer safe playground with the baby creating a happy and safer moment in the house. Children and adults will feel safe when falling because the materials offer soft landing than it would be on a carpet or floor.

Such areas receive more traffic in house than any other areas, and they wear out fast exposing the hard parts of the carpets. Your feet may not feel comfortable on the hard parts of carpets, and you can use the rugs to cover them. This is a cost effective ways of covering your floor while also allowing the room to look elegant, modern, and stylish.

During your shopping, you will come across the contemporary, transitional, and traditional designs. Each of these designs has s distinct feel and look. When you go for the contemporary, you are defining your style and comfort. The color of the carpet or the hardwood where you will place the rugs will also determine which shade to choose.

If you are using them around the coffee table or right next to your dining table, you have to choose a color that will withstand the frequent spills from food and drinks. The color of the floor will greatly impact the color of rugs you choose. There are different fibers used to design these rugs and they include the natural and manmade.

You may want to choose from silk, cotton, wool, and jute for the natural feel and look in the house. On the other hand, you will have the manmade fibers such as polypropylene and nylon, and these are relatively cheaper. The contemporary area rug you purchase should be easy to clean and maintain while also being able to offer comfort.

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