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Your Future is a Blank Canvas, Paint a Picture Where You Attract Abundance

Sometimes people are blocked from knowing what they really want because they are afraid of making a commitment. They feel that if they commit themselves to doing one thing then they will be stuck with it forever and won't be able to do anything else enjoyable that comes along. People are afraid of being imprisoned. However, they fail to realize one very important thing. They already are imprisoned, by the limitations they impose upon themselves! They don't allow themselves to get anywhere near the stage where they can attract abundance because they are unwilling to pick up the paint and throw it onto their life canvas to create a new and colorful future for themselves.
The truth is that right now, your future is a blank canvas. It is bright, white and totally free! You can become anyone you want to tomorrow because tomorrow is untainted by what you did in the past or even who you are being in the present. The future is yours to paint, and the beauty of it is, that you can paint whatever you want because it's your canvas, your life and you are the artist!
Try living your life like tomorrow is a blank canvas and I promise you that you'll begin to feel excited by your future rather than afraid of what may come. If we are attached to who we think we will be tomorrow then our life will become an imprisoning experience. This is because we are always experiencing new things and changing our identity. On the contrary, if we are not attached to who we are, your life becomes an awesome exploration and adventure!
Free your mind of the fear of the unknown to come tomorrow and you'll open up to more opportunities to attract abundance because you'll be in control, you'll be painting the picture and it'll be a fresh one, not one that uses the shapes and paint of yesterday. Your past may have been painful and you may have been hurt but that was the past! Your past doesn't have to create your future, not if you decide in this moment to finally let it go and stop burdening yourself with it. Wipe your slate clean and then choose who you want to be or become because it is your choice, only you decide, not your circumstances or your past. Drop the baggage now, pick up the paint and begin to paint your future as you would like it to be not how your past dictates that it should be.
Richard O'Neill is a TEFL Teacher and a trainee life coach who hopes to one day open his own spiritual retreat to aid others in their healing process. For some useful info and resources on meditation and how to attract abundance [http://www.learntomanifestdesires.com] go to [http://www.learntomanifestdesires.com].

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